辅助医疗学位,AS, AAS


  • Associate of Science (AS) degree in Paramedic
  • Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Paramedic


在我们的混合项目中, 你将参加现场讲座和在线课程,并通过临床时间和实地实习获得实践经验. 通过SJC的护理人员计划成为一名有效和富有同情心的护理人员.


Why Enter a Paramedic 培训 Program?

获得护理副学士学位使你具备进入这一重要领域所需的技能. Study how to assess and treat various medical emergencies, and get real-world training so you can make a difference from day one. Your training will lead to a rewarding and high-demand career as a paramedic. 在各种环境中工作,包括救护车服务,消防部门和医院. 准备好与急救人员和其他医疗专业人员一起拯救生命并帮助那些有需要的人. 

Should I Choose the Paramedic AS or AAS Degree Program?

Be ready to transfer to a four-year college or university with the 护理人员AS学位课程. You'll complete paramedic-specific coursework, 包括临床经验, and take general education courses. 两年后, you can apply to transfer to earn a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as emergency medical services, with two additional years of study.

护理人员AAS学位课程, you can start your career as a paramedic after graduation. Build paramedic knowledge and skills in classroom and clinic environments, completing the AAS in two years of study. 护理人员AAS学位也可以转到EMS的四年制学士学位课程. If you wish to transfer your AAS degree, 我们强烈建议您与您的指导老师核实并仔细协调所需的课程

Why Earn a Paramedic AS or AAS Degree at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站?

Practical 培训 With Advanced Equipment

SJC的护理副学士学位课程提供实践经验,提高你的批判性思维和临床技能. 它们包括:

  • A state-of-the-art simulation laboratory
  • High-fidelity mannequins and live patient simulations
  • The latest cardiac monitors for cardiology and EKG training
  • The latest ultrasound devices that assist in patient diagnoses


Interact and treat patients through our partnership with 圣胡安地区医疗中心 (SJRMC). SJRMC的EMS是新墨西哥州唯一一家获得2022年美国心脏协会使命:生命线®EMS Plus金奖的EMS. 这意味着你将获得一流的教育,与专业人士一起学习,他们将在你的临床和实习期间对你进行培训.

You'll also build skills at other clinical sites such as:

  • 心脏病学实验室
  • 急诊室
  • EMS机构
  • 养老院
  • 精神病学单位


SJC的教师在EMS行业和教学环境中具有丰富的经验. Our courses meet or exceed the New Mexico EMS Minimal Curriculum Standards, the National EMS 教育 Standards, and the National Registry Standard Curriculum. 
我们的护理人员的学生有100%的第一次通过率在急诊医疗技术人员国家注册护理人员执照测试! You'll be confident in your skills with an associate degree from SJC.


因为 SJC的低学费, our Paramedic degrees are a great investment for you. 你会受到严厉的惩罚, 高质量的教育将为你的学术和职业生涯做好准备. You may also qualify to get your degree tuition-free through the NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships.

What You'll Learn in Your Paramedic Program Courses

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站,您将在混合课程中向我们的专家导师学习. That means your classwork will be a combination of in-person and online. 你也可以花时间在课堂之外,在现实世界中获得经验, 比如医院和诊所.

Both the Paramedic AS and AAS have the same program core requirements. In your courses, you learn about the following:

  • 气道管理: Practice caring for patients who are having trouble breathing.
  • 医疗紧急情况: Study how to manage common medical emergencies, 包括中风, 心脏病发作, 精神上的痛苦.
  • 操作: Learn how to transport patients safely and efficiently.
  • 病人评估: Discover how to evaluate the medical needs of a patient.
  • 药理学: Practice how to provide medication in the prehospital setting.
  • 休克和复苏: Study how to manage and resuscitate patients in critical condition.
  • 特殊患者群体: Learn how to care for specific groups of patients, from children to the elderly.
  • 创伤急救: 了解如何照顾经历过创伤的病人,如出血和烧伤.

You will also be prepared to obtain the following certifications:

  • Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
  • Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)

The AS and AAS programs can be completed in two full calendar years. 辅助医疗AS计划包括额外的通识教育课程,为您提供额外的批判性思维和沟通技巧.

请注意: 选择进入护理人员计划是竞争有限的席位. 有关先决条件和录取过程的信息,请参阅下面的课程页面.



Transfer Options for Paramedic AS Students

Be on track to earn a bachelor's degree at a four-year university with SJC. 急救医疗服务和类似领域的学士学位将为更好的工作机会和更高的薪水打开大门. With a Paramedic AS or AAS degree, 你可以以大三学生的身份报名, 这意味着你可以在再学习两年之后获得学士学位.

一定要 与你的学术顾问见面 if you wish to transfer to pursue a four-year degree. 你需要协调你在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的课程和转学机构的要求.

Previous Paramedic AS students have enrolled in:

  • Eastern New Mexico University Roswell (BAAS in Emergency Management)
  • The University of New Mexico (Bachelor of Science in EMS)

Learn More 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 the Transfer Process


作为一名护理学生,您将在我们的健康科学模拟中心获得实践经验. Our supportive faculty will guide you as they provide in-depth instruction. 每个房间都有摄像头, 麦克风, and monitors so your teachers can spot problems and suggest improvements.


  • 急诊室
  • 加护病房
  • 护士站
  • 分娩单位
  • Control room equipped with Simcapture technology
  • Adult, pediatric, and neonatal patient simulators



护理人员为病人提供紧急医疗服务,是我们医疗系统中至关重要的一环. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the overall employment of paramedics to grow 7% from 2021 to 2031. 有了你的护理副学士学位,你将能够在各种环境中找到一份职业,比如:

  • 救护车服务
  • 医生的办公室
  • 急诊室
  • 消防部门
  • 飞行中心
  • 医院
  • 警察部门

Graduates of our program have gone on to work for:

  • 杜兰戈火 & 救援
  • Jicarilla Emergency Medical Services
  • 洛斯皮诺斯消防区
  • 圣胡安地区医疗中心
  • Upper Pine River Fire Protection District

View EMS and Paramedic Job Listings


听Ray B的报道.他是我们的一名护理专业毕业生.


那些从SJC获得护理人员证书的毕业生可以将学分转换到太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的副学士学位课程之一. 了解更多有关 SJC的护理人员证书



最低期望目标:在认知(知识)方面培养合格的初级护理人员。, 精神运动(技能), 情感(行为)学习领域有或没有高级紧急医疗技术员和/或紧急医疗技术员和/或紧急医疗响应人员级别的出口点.


8301 Lakeview Parkway, Suite 111-312



The most current CoAEMSP Annual Report was for the calendar year 2023. 最近的国家急救护理人员注册/国家认知考试的成功率为100%. The most recent positive placement rate for graduates was 100%.

CoAEMSP将积极安置定义为“在相关领域全职或兼职就业和/或继续他/她的教育和/或在军队服役。.’ Positive placement is measured at the completion of the program.

The most recent retention rate was 88%.

Paramedic Program Learning Outcomes (PDF)



Learn about the application process and program requirements. Read through our Paramedic application packet for more information.

Download the 2024 Paramedic Application Packet

采取下一步,你的艺术助理护理或应用科学助理护理学位. 申请太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 via our online application. 如果你申请任何一个学位课程,一定要提交护理人员申请. 


If you are already a student at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, 我们鼓励你在申请之前和你的导师谈谈我们的护理学位课程. 



电话: (505) 566-3320

West Classroom Complex, Room 1911
m - f8a.m.- 5 p.m.
